We are pleased to introduce new colorful teaching materials on Blessed Vasyl`s life for students from Grade 4 and higher. The Kit includes “The Life Story of Blessed Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky, C.Ss.R.”, a colorful 32 page booklet divided into 28 lessons, a “Workbook for Students”, a 40 page booklet with 25 exercises corresponding to the lessons for students – questions and answers, puzzles, games including a scavenger hunt, 4-page timeline of Blessed Vasyl`s life, a digital copy of all the materials, an icon print and other materials. This Kit is ideal for Grade 4 – 5 students, who learn about saints as part of their curriculum. It can also be used in catechism classes and home school programs.
Note: Christmas special! Shipping is included in the price!
This offer expires on January 15, 2022.